Saucy (SCY) is the official cryptocurrency of the Saucy ecosystem based on MATIC (Polygon).
Trade SCY here. To trade Saucy you need to be on the Polygon mainnet blockchain through your Web3 wallet. Main liquidity pool is in MATIC so you will trade MATIC for SCY.
50% per transaction :
~30% to treasury wallet
~15% to liquidity pool
~5% to current SCY holders
While this may sound like a lot, it makes the coin value stronger.
We get 30% to build out Saucy more & make a better product & experience.
The liquidity pool gets 15% so you will be able to buy more SCY at any time.
You are rewarded 5% for every transaction on the blockchain while holding SCY.
Provide liqudity to SCY here. You can become a liquidity provider at any time in this Uniswap Pool.